Class 5- Oct 16th
Today we had our vocabulary 1 test which have been corrected and the grades are online on Ecampus in the "Notes" section.
We studied the Modicare through two video whichyou can see again in the lesson 5 section.
Here is the key to video 1-
Video A: Modicare
1) What is nicknamed Modicare? The national health protection scheme
2) According to Narendra Modi, how will Modicare change the life of the poor? They will not struggle when they fall sick / They will not have to borrow from money-lenders / families will not be destroyed
3) What is the government’s role in Modicare?
It is he largest publicly funded scheme in the world: the government will pay the premiums for health insurance
4) How many Indian families will benefit from Modicare? 100,000,000
5) What amount of medical costs does the insurance policy cover? Up to the equivalent of 7,000 dollars a year
6) What might happen to private hospitals? Big boost in business + overwhelmed
7) How much of its GDP does India spend on healthcare, and how does it compare to other countries? 1.5% VS global average of 6%
8) What are the two weak points of the Indian health sector? Facilities and staffing levels
Here is the key to video 2Video B: Modicare fails the poor
1) Explain Munni Devi’s situation: she’s been sleeping for 6 weeks outside the hospital, waiting for treatment for her heart condition (something wrong with the valve / palpitations. Her husband sends money to cover her costs.
She feels even weaker now: no proper food / chest and back hurt
2) What is Modicare supposed to offer to India’s poorest citizens? Free health insurance
3) What is the problem with Modicare? Many still don’t have it / money isn’t there to support the scheme
4) How much of its GDP does India spend on healthcare, and how does it compare to other countries? 1% VS global average of 6%
5) What are the two weak points of the health sector? Facilities and staffing levels
6) How many Indian people are pushed into poverty every year because of medical costs? 63,000, 000
7) At the end of the video, the journalist gives a reason why healthcare is not well funded. What is this reason? The 119 Indian billionaires (worth 400 billion dollars) don’t contribute enough to the public health system, due to low taxes.
Learn vocabylary List 5 for next week and we will see who is the best team!