UE51 - 4A - English - 24-25
Topic outline
Dear 4th Year students,Welcome to the 4th year English course!
The teachers are Mr Danan, Ms Fadel, Ms Navel, Ms. Owens, Ms Warrach and Ms Weyrich.
Teacher in charge of this teaching unit: Ms Weyrich (elodie.weyrich@universite-paris-saclay.fr)
English classes are held in CentraleSupélec's Eiffel building (5-10min walk from BPC: please take this parameter into account to be on time!). Our classrooms are on the 3rd (sometimes 4th) floor of the building. Your classroom will be posted on this page.Classes are every Wednesday from 8.30 to 10 / 10.05 to 11.35 / 11.40 to 1.10pm, depending on your group.
You will be assigned a group based on your 3Y results.
Semester 1:
Groups A, B, C, D, E, F - 8.30 -10.00
Groups G, H, I, J, K, L - 10.05-11.35
Groups M, N, O, P - 11.40-13.10
•Semester 2 :
Groups G, H, I, J, K, L - 8.30 -10.00
Groups B, F, M, N, O, P - 10.05-11.35
Groups A, C, D, E - 11.40-13.10
You will soon find a PDF version of the course booklet on which we will work (it will be uploaded on this page in September). To do your work, you MUST HAVE A COPY of the booklet with you (paper or digital).
Mastering English is necessary for anyone who wants to work in pharmacy (and, more generally, in science), no matter if your ambition for the future is to work in a community pharmacy, in the pharmaceutical industry, or as a hospital pharmacist.Attendance to English classes is 100% compulsory (you MUST come or you will not be allowed to take the final exam) and any absences must be justified with a valid written document within 3 days & at the next class at the latest: see your English teacher about this.
The aim of the 4th year English course is to help students acquire new skills in scientific English, particularly in oral communication.
By the end of the year, all students should be able to:
o present their research on a topic with ease and fluency in a group, in front of an audience.
o understand the main points of a video or a text (article) and write a summary.
o understand the health systems and the pharmaceutical industry in the UK, the USA and India
o express their opinion about a number of ethical issues, using the
appropriate vocabulary.o read a research paper, understand the main points and present it in front of an audience.
Training material
In the Course Information section, you will find documents, links and other things to further your knowledge of English on your own.
In your group section, you will find a summary of your classes and your homework.
Student Evaluation
"Contrôle Continu": CC is 60% of final grade
- Video summary (1, semester 1)
- Vocabulary Quizzes (2 per semester)
- 2 orals (1 per semester)
- Reading and writing (1, semester 2)Final Exam - oral - 40% of final grade
This is an individual presentation. Preparation: 30 minutes. Interrogation: 10 minutes (presentation 5 mins, questions up to 5 minutes). You will have to summarise an article dealing with a topic studied during the year and give your opinion about it.
If you are absent from the final oral exam (whether your absence is justified or not), you will be automatically re-registered for the resit of the exam (catch-up session).
Catch-up session - 25% Continuous assessment + 25% written exam + 50% oral examWritten exam: 50% video summary + 10% reading + 40% opinion essay
Oral exam: individual presentation. Preparation: 30 minutes. Interrogation: 10 minutes (presentation 5 mins, questions up to 5 minutes). You will have to summarise an article dealing with a topic studied during the year and give your opinion about it.
In this section, you will find the lists of words to learn for your vocabulary tests. You need to register on the website QUIZLET (free) to have access to the lists. QUIZLET is also an app you can use to learn and practice. https://quizlet.com
Have fun!
and don't forget:
"Practice makes perfect"!
Welcome to your English class!
You can contact me at elodie.weyrich@universite-paris-saclay.fr
Please always indicate your year and group in your email subject line (4Y group A).
Have a great year!Amiel Anais
Andriankoto Andrianiaina Oitra Mikajy
Ayoub Rindala
Barzin Alireza
Benaziza Kahina
Boulay Marine
Chellat Fatima
Chen Elodie
Durocher Ninon
Ilut Sebastien
Kechaou Alya
Romain Emilie
Song Edric
Tasneem Huma
Vaussy Ariane
Yared Jimmy-
Class 7 - Nov 6th - Branded vs generic medicines
- quizlet live
- warm-up questions
- Video: generic litigations > summary
- role play patient/pharmacist
Homework for Nov 20th:
- Vocab test 2 (lists 5-6-7)
- Prepare for Health news
- Video test: revise how to write a summary p27 -
Class 5 - Oct 16th - The Indian healthcare system (pp36-39)
- vocab test 1 + presentation
- warm-up questions: formerly part of British Empire / Mahatma Gandhi (leader of nonviolent fight for independence from the UK) / independence 1947 / Nehru, the first Indian PM in 1947 / manufacturer of generic drugs / Narendra Modi (current PM) / caste system
- Videos A and B: Modicare
- Comparative slide: US / UK / India - healthcare systems
Homework: learn vocab list 5
Class 4 - Oct 8th - The British healthcare system (pp31-35)
- quizlet live + 1 presentation
- correction of activity 3 p29
- warm-up questions- oral summary of video- dubbing competition: work on intonation and emphasisHomework: quizlet list 4 + prepare for vocab test 1 on lists 1-2-3-4
Class 3 - Oct2nd - The American healthcare system (pp26-30)
- quizlet live + 2 presentations- activity: writing a video summary.Homework: quizlet list 3 + activity 3 p29
Class 2 - Sept 25th - How to talk about a research paper (pp 13-24)
- quizlet live
- Brainstorming
- Study of a research paper
- Signing up for presentationsHomework: quizlet list 2
Class 1 Sept 18th Presentation techniques (booklet p.8-12)
- Video 200 countries in 4 minutes
- Intonation & Emphasis
- Rhetorical devices: questions and repetition
Homework: learn quizlet list 1: signposting (in Vocabulary section)
Here is my email address if you need to contact me: bibiane.navel@universite-paris-saclay.fr
Please always indicate your year and group when you write!
Amdidouche Iliana
Baouni Yacer
Barouk Sacha
Chavagnac Lucie
Jacquin Raphael
Kneiber Rayan Erasmus S1
Landemaine Leslie
Magnet Thomas
Naak Lyna
Peng Claire
Pham Maellis
Saikali Marie-Line
Sebban Flavie
Ta Laurie Erasmus S1
Toumi Zeineb
Vrignaud Lou-Lena-
Lesson 8 - 20th Nov:
- presentations
- video test + vocab test -
Lesson 7 - 6th Nov:
- presentation
- today's topic: "generic drugs": warm-up p.45
- Quizlet #7
- Video "Generic litigation" on eCampus, take notes and write a summary
- role-play p46.Homework for the 20th Nov:
- Vocab test (lists 5 to 7)
- video test (write summary in English)
- Health news -
Lesson 6 -23rd Oct:
- research paper presentation
- warm-up: discussion p40-41 (based on the 3 graphs) about online vs local pharmacies
- Quizlet: vocab list #6
- watch either video A or video B: take notes and share information with your neighbour
- activity 3 p43: "balancing arguments" (link words, then writing exercise)Homework:
- learn Quizlet #6
Lesson 5 - 16th Oct:
- vocab test
- presentation
- warm-up p36 about India
- vocabulary list 5 (about the Indian healthcare system) - Quizlet
- 2 videos (see in "Class document") about Modicare (health system in India) with questions pp36-37; class recap
- Recap and compare: create a document recapping and comparing the health systems in the UK, the US and India.Homework:
- learn vocab list 5
- 20th Nov: vocab test (lists 5-7) + video test (+health news for those concerned)
Lesson 4 - Oct. 9th:
- Presentation (research paper)
- Quizlet #4
- p31 : warm-up, then video about the British healthcare system (the NHS)
- p32: work on intonation (dubbing exercise)
- text "This is going to hurt" (novel extract) p.33-34 + discussionHomework:
Vocabulary test (lists 1-4)
Lesson 3 - 2nd Oct:
- Clinical trial presentation
- Quizlet: the American health system
- Video: "Biden takes step to widen Americans' access to health care": take notes + write a summary. Exercise p28 corrected
- grammar p29
- Cultural concepts: Corporate health insurance, government-subsidized insurance, Medicare and Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act (or Obamacare)Homework:
Learn vocab list #3. Vocab test on 16th of October on all the lists learnt (1-4)
Lesson 2 - 25th Sept:
- Quizlet: revision list #1
- brainstorming on reading a research paper
- p13: vocabulary of research papers
- p14 onwards: reading a research paper & answering questions
- sign-up for presentations (see above) + recap about what is expected for presentationsHomework:
Learn vocab lists #1-2 (vocab test on 16th Oct)
Start preparing your presentations -
Lesson 1 - 18th Sept
- curriculum presentation
- warm-up (discussion)
- video: 400 years in 4 min : work on presentation techniques
- work on intonation and emphasis
- 2 essential rhetorical devices: rhetorical question, repetitionHomework:
learn vocab list #1
Aidi Mehdi
Chaillot Camille
Copin Enzo
De Dios Narez Sebastian
Kentouri Lilianne
Le Mestreallan Romane
Logendra Sangavi
Ly Stacy
Marcos Eva
Moulira Leonie
Nguyen--Vong Chloe
Poirier Noeline
Seggar Sabrina
Soualhi Emir
Surila Andreea
Villemain Solal-
Lesson 1: 18/09/24:
The teacher introduced the course for us. (check ppt on main page)
Please remember:
Class 1: September 18th: presentation techniques.
Class 2: September 25th: how to present a research paper
Class 3: October 2nd: the American healthcare system
Class 4: October 9th: the British healthcare system
Class 5: October 16th: the Indian healthcare system – Vocab test 1 (lists 1-2-3-4)
Class 6: October 23rd: Community pharmacies vs online pharmacies
Class 7: November 6th: Branded vs generic medicines
Class 8: November 20th: Health news– Video test + Vocab test 2 (lists 5-6-7)
Class 9: November 27th: African-Americans’ health outcomes
- We looked at the presentation: "200 years in 4 minutes"
- We looked at signposting phrases, intonation, emphasis, using rhetorical questions and repetitions as ways of having making successful presentations.
Learn your quizlet 1.
Class 3 - Oct2nd - The American healthcare system (pp26-30)
- quizlet live + 2 presentations- activity: writing a video summary.Homework: quizlet list 3 + activity 3 p29
Class 4 - Oct 8th - The British healthcare system (pp31-35)
- quizlet live + 1 presentation
- warm-up questions- oral summary of video- dubbing competition: work on intonation and emphasisHomework: quizlet list 4 + prepare for vocab test 1 on lists 1-2-3-4
Class 5 - Oct 16th - The Indian healthcare system (pp36-39)
- vocab test 1 + presentation
- warm-up question in pairs
- Videos A and B: Modicare
- Comparative slide: US / UK / India - healthcare systems
learn vocab list 5
Prepare your presentations
Class 6: Local vs online pharmacies
- Revision via quizlet.
- 2 presentations.
- Videos about online vs local pharmacies (in the US and in the UK)
- How to present a balanced argument.
- Production: written work - the pros and cons of an issue.
- Learn your new vocab list.
- Prepare your next presentations.
❝To have another language is to possess a second soul.❞
Welcome to Group D English class!
‒CharlemagneIf you cannot come to class please advise your teacher (anita.owens@universite-paris-saclay.fr ) AND la scolarité (nadine.robette@universite-paris-saclay.fr)and send them your justification paper. -
Antoniello Elisa
Balane Dourga
Derdega Ines
Dupouy-Fanen Alice
Haufa Natalia
Ilut Olivier
Le Clement
Mendes Elsa
Millet Florie
Nguevo Djuidje Melissa Bertille
Ouardy Myriam
Pierson Emma Erasmus S1
Sanda Afonso Liberta
Tang Clemence
Thedie Amelie
Tizaoui Hayate-
CLass 2: Oct. 2nd:
Quizlet live for revision.
A research paper presentation.
The American Healthcare System:
warmer, a video and grammar exercises on linking words.
Learn your new vocab list.
Prepare your presentations.
Ahamada Najma
Akpa Akpro Claire
Baraka Nada
Benoufella Lisa
Danis Lea
Diridollou Cloe
Gayet Juliette
Geoffroy Julie
Ko Hyungjung
Lemeunier Tiphanie
Lujien Kristy
Nebchi Sofia
Perigault Hyppolite
Roca Loris
Si Larbi Yanis
Traore Mariam -
Akilan Florian
Alexandre-Augrand Lauren
Ben Salem Sirine
Bryon Juliette
Chan Pen Audrey
Cheng Nicolas
Chouchane Lilia
Di Sanza Theo
Garibello Garcia Daniella
Guerguis Mina
Le Marechal Sibylle
Leon Morgane
Lutz Josephine
Maraux Agathe
Nouri Adeline
Wanice Rita-
Lesson 1: 18/09/24:
The teacher introduced the course for us. (check ppt on main page)
Please remember:
Class 1: September 18th: presentation techniques.
Class 2: September 25th: how to present a research paper
Class 3: October 2nd: the American healthcare system
Class 4: October 9th: the British healthcare system
Class 5: October 16th: the Indian healthcare system – Vocab test 1 (lists 1-2-3-4)
Class 6: October 23rd: Community pharmacies vs online pharmacies
Class 7: November 6th: Branded vs generic medicines
Class 8: November 20th: Health news– Video test + Vocab test 2 (lists 5-6-7)
Class 9: November 27th: African-Americans’ health outcomes
- We looked at the presentation: "200 years in 4 minutes"
- We looked at signposting phrases, intonation, emphasis, using rhetorical questions and repetitions as ways of having making successful presentations.
Learn your quizlet 1.
Lesson 2 - Sep. 25th:
- We looked at how to go about reading and presenting a research paper.
- Following that you signed up for your presentations.
- Learn your new vocab list.
- Prepare your presentations.
Class 3 - Oct2nd - The American healthcare system (pp26-30)
- quizlet live + 1 presentation- activity: writing a video summary.Homework: quizlet list 3 + prepare your presentations
Class 4 - Oct 8th - The British healthcare system (pp31-35)
- quizlet live + 1 presentation
- warm-up questions- oral summary of video- dubbing competition: work on intonation and emphasisHomework: quizlet list 4 + prepare for vocab test 1 on lists 1-2-3-4
Class 5 - Oct 16th - The Indian healthcare system (pp36-39)
- vocab test 1 + presentation
- warm-up question in pairs
- Videos A and B: Modicare
- Comparative slide: US / UK / India - healthcare systems
learn vocab list 5
Prepare your presentations
Class 6: Local vs online pharmacies
- Revision via quizlet.
- 2 presentations.
- Videos about online vs local pharmacies (in the US and in the UK)
- How to present a balanced argument.
- Production: written work - the pros and cons of an issue.
- Learn your new vocab list.
- Prepare your next presentations.
❝To have another language is to possess a second soul.❞
Welcome to Group D English class!
‒CharlemagneIf you cannot come to class please advise your teacher (anita.owens@universite-paris-saclay.fr ) AND la scolarité (nadine.robette@universite-paris-saclay.fr)and send them your justification paper. -
Abdel Bary Ahmed Chady
Aduayi-Akue Bright
Anastasi Maelle
Brisard Agathe
Cimia Anais
Combettes Sophie
Falek Ambrine
Foulani Jessica Myriem
Kherbouche Massissilia
Laouamri Sabrina
Meigneux Romain
Moinat Pauline
Paoli Juliette
Poumeyrau Clement
Smadja Ethan
Ton Phuong-Uyen-
CLASS 3 video - KEY:
Most Americans depend on ther employer for health insurance
Many lost their jobs.
Therefore, they also lost their insurance.
To help out, President Biden has changed the Affodable Care Act for more people to subscribe to government-subsidized insurance
Nevertheless, many people are not eligible, because they are too wealthy
The problem is even though they are not poor, they still can’t afford private healthcare
Welcome to your English class!
You can contact me at elodie.weyrich@universite-paris-saclay.fr
Please always indicate your year and group in your email subject line (4Y group J).
Have a great year!Andrilalaina Mamiana
Azzi Joelle
Benyekhlef Kawtar
Brieda Camille
Catineau Theo
El Mafrouhi Kenza
Habani Amira
Houari Yasmine
Kulej Aleksandra
Martin Clara
Massot Marie
Menard AnnaMousa Abdo VeroniqueNapoleon Darly
Perrot Lucille
Salahshour Shahryar
Truong Julie-
Class 7 - Nov 6th - Branded vs generic medicines
- quizlet live
- warm-up questions
- Video: generic litigations > summary
- role play patient/pharmacist
Homework for Nov 20th:
- Vocab test 2 (lists 5-6-7)
- Prepare for Health news
- Video test: revise how to write a summary p27 -
Class 5 - Oct 16th - The Indian healthcare system (pp36-39)
- vocab test 1 + presentation
- warm-up questions: formerly part of British Empire / Mahatma Gandhi (leader of nonviolent fight for independence from the UK) / independence 1947 / Nehru, the first Indian PM in 1947 / manufacturer of generic drugs / Narendra Modi (current PM) / caste system
- Videos A and B: Modicare
- Comparative slide: US / UK / India - healthcare systems
Homework: learn vocab list 5 + send me your slide -
Class 4 - Oct 8th - The British healthcare system (pp31-35)
- quizlet live + 1 presentation
- correction of activity 3 p29
- warm-up questions- oral summary of video- dubbing competition: work on intonation and emphasisHomework: quizlet list 4 + prepare for vocab test 1 on lists 1-2-3-4
Class 3 - Oct2nd - The American healthcare system (pp26-30)
- quizlet live + 2 presentations- activity: writing a video summary.Homework: quizlet list 3 + activity 3 p29
Class 2 - Sept 25th - How to talk about a research paper (pp 13-24)
- quizlet live
- Brainstorming
- Study of a research paper
- Signing up for presentationsHomework: quizlet list 2
Class 1 Sept 18th Presentation techniques (booklet p.8-12)
- Video 200 countries in 4 minutes
- Intonation & Emphasis
- Rhetorical devices: questions and repetition
Homework: learn quizlet list 1: signposting (in Vocabulary section)
Allard Leonie Erasmus S1
Bellir Ameziane
Boina Nizar
Dissou Sidicath
El Bouhassani Soumaya
Fouquet Clara
Greco Claire
Hanoteau Julie
Imre Merve
Kara Jonathan
Mascret Camille
Morvan Maiwenn
Poumeroulie Martial
Sabourin Camille
Silva Jeremie
Va Zoe -
Here is my email address if you need to contact me: bibiane.navel@universite-paris-saclay.fr
Please always indicate your year and group when you write!Al-Drisawi Mohammed
Alibert Sriraam
Ambrozie Ilinca
Attamna Camella
Auzmann Merivan
Boutchiche Abdessamed
Caput Orlane
Chicheportiche Leah
Kouedan Akossibie
Molle Michael
Moussa Christa-Maria
Niati Smail
Ormieres Coline
Quaire Remi
Torton Lucie
Tremeac Marie-
Lesson 8 - 20th Nov:
- presentations
- video test + vocab test -
Lesson 7 - 6th Nov:
- presentation
- today's topic: "generic drugs": warm-up p.45
- Quizlet #7
- Video "Generic litigation" on eCampus, take notes and write a summary
- role-play p46.Homework for the 20th Nov:
- Vocab test (lists 5 to 7)
- video test (write summary in English)
- Health news -
Lesson 6 - 23rd Oct:
- research paper presentation
- warm-up: discussion p40-41 (based on the 3 graphs) about online vs local pharmacies
- Quizlet: vocab list #6
- watch either video A or video B: answer B1 questions p41-42, then share information with your neighbour. Class correction.
- activity 3 p43: "balancing arguments" (link words, then writing exercise)Homework:
- learn Quizlet #6
Lesson 5 - 16th Oct:
- vocab test
- presentation
- warm-up p36 about India
- vocabulary list 5 (about the Indian healthcare system) - Quizlet
- 2 videos (see in "Class document") about Modicare (health system in India) - watch and share info with your partner
- Recap and compare: create a document recapping and comparing the health systems in the UK, the US and India.Homework:
- learn vocab list 5
- 20th Nov: vocab test (lists 5-7) + video test (+health news for those concerned)
Lesson 4 - Oct. 9th:
- Presentation (research paper)
- Quizlet #4
- p31 : warm-up, then video about the British healthcare system (the NHS)
- p32: work on intonation (dubbing exercise)
- video 2 "The government's plan" (3 problems the NHS is facing)Homework:
Vocabulary test (lists 1-4)
Lesson 3 - 2nd Oct:
- Clinical trial presentation
- Quizlet: the American health system
- Video: "Biden takes step to widen Americans' access to health care": take notes + write a summary. Exercise p28 corrected
- grammar p29
- Cultural concepts: Corporate health insurance, government-subsidized insurance, Medicare and Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act (or Obamacare)Homework:
Learn vocab list #3. Vocab test on 16th of October on all the lists learnt (1-4)
Lesson 2 - 25th Sept:
- Quizlet: revision list #1
- brainstorming on reading a research paper
- p13: vocabulary of research papers
- p14 onwards: reading a research paper & answering questions
- sign up for presentations (see above) + recap about what is expected for presentationsHomework:
Learn vocab lists #1-2 (vocab test on 16th Oct)
Start preparing your presentations -
Lesson 1 - 18th Sept
- curriculum presentation
- warm-up (discussion)
- video: 400 years in 4 min : work on presentation techniques
- work on intonation and emphasis
- 2 essential rhetorical devices: rhetorical question, repetitionHomework:
learn vocab list #1
Ben Slimane Cyrine
Bizet Maeva
Borgi Nour
Chabane Imane
Chakkor Taha
Cheminot Chloe
De Gaulejac Ninon
Del Valle Imane
Djebali Isra
Fidouh Ilyes
Gernigon Eva
Ghoulam Aya
Golgolab Elodie
Khenniche Sif Eddine
Mansouri Meryem
Yousfi Lylia-
Class 3 video - KEY
· Over half of US citizens depend on their employer for healthcare
· In 2021, due to COVID, there were more or less 35 million unemployed
· The middle class are struggling (luttent) because they have no income
· Moreover, they are too rich to qualify for Medicaid, and they cannot afford state-subsidized plans
· Joe Biden tried to extend Medicaid to middle-class citizens but he didn’t really manage, because the insurance plans are too expensive.
❝To have another language is to possess a second soul.❞
‒CharlemagneIf you cannot come to class please advise your teacher (anita.owens@universite-paris-saclay.fr ) AND la scolarité (nadine.robette@universite-paris-saclay.fr)and send them your justification paper. -
Amouzou Marie-Louise
Bazi Aya
Benmimoun Amina
Berman Nicolas
Bozzonetti-Savio Abby
Chaarane Ayoub
Fetti Lucretia
Gautier Loicia
Heulin Elisa
Jabir Imane
Marblez Nathan
Mechti Racim
Rhallab Aya-Dina
Si Hassen Lylia
Trouillon Anais-
Lesson 1: 18/09/24:
The teacher introduced the course for us. (check ppt on main page)
Please remember:
Class 1: September 18th: presentation techniques.
Class 2: September 25th: how to present a research paper
Class 3: October 2nd: the American healthcare system
Class 4: October 9th: the British healthcare system
Class 5: October 16th: the Indian healthcare system – Vocab test 1 (lists 1-2-3-4)
Class 6: October 23rd: Community pharmacies vs online pharmacies
Class 7: November 6th: Branded vs generic medicines
Class 8: November 20th: Health news– Video test + Vocab test 2 (lists 5-6-7)
Class 9: November 27th: African-Americans’ health outcomes
- We looked at the presentation: "200 years in 4 minutes"
- We looked at signposting phrases, intonation, emphasis, using rhetorical questions and repetitions as ways of having making successful presentations.
Learn your quizlet 1.
Lesson 2 - Sep. 25th:
- We looked at how to go about reading and presenting a research paper.
- Following that you signed up for your presentations.
- Learn your new vocab list.
- Prepare your presentations.
Class 3 - Oct2nd - The American healthcare system (pp26-30)
- quizlet live + 1 presentation- activity: writing a video summary.Homework: quizlet list 3 + prepare your presentations
Class 4 - Oct 8th - The British healthcare system (pp31-35)
- quizlet live + 1 presentation
- warm-up questions- oral summary of video- dubbing competition: work on intonation and emphasisHomework: quizlet list 4 + prepare for vocab test 1 on lists 1-2-3-4
Class 6: Local vs online pharmacies
- Revision via quizlet.
- 2 presentations.
- Videos about online vs local pharmacies (in the US and in the UK)
- How to present a balanced argument.
- Production: written work - the pros and cons of an issue.
- Learn your new vocab list.
- Prepare your next presentations.
Welcome to your English class!
You can contact me at elodie.weyrich@universite-paris-saclay.fr
Please always indicate your year and group in your email subject line (4Y group P).
Have a great year!Amedjkouh Abdelmoumene
Bah Mariama
Bissoursen Sana
Dridi Imen
Haddad David
Kesraoui Imene
Lakli Mounia
Lorin Margaux
Louati Adam
Oumeraci Yasmine
Ruan Qing Qing
Sahraoui-Langlois Yasmine
Simoud Sounia
Yaqouti Omaima-
Class 7 - Nov 6th - Branded vs generic medicines
- quizlet live
- warm-up questions
- Video: generic litigations > summary
- role play patient/pharmacist
Homework for Nov 20th:
- Vocab test 2 (lists 5-6-7)
- Prepare for Health news
- Video test: revise how to write a summary p27 -
Class 5 - Oct 16th - The Indian healthcare system (pp36-39)
- vocab test 1 + presentation
- warm-up questions: formerly part of British Empire / Mahatma Gandhi (leader of nonviolent fight for independence from the UK) / independence 1947 / Nehru, the first Indian PM in 1947 / manufacturer of generic drugs / Narendra Modi (current PM) / caste system
- Videos A: Modicare
- Comparative table: US / UK / India - healthcare systems
Homework: learn vocab list 5 -
Class 4 - Oct 8th - The British healthcare system (pp31-35)
- quizlet live + 1 presentation
- correction of activity 3 p29
- warm-up questions- oral + written summary of videoHomework: quizlet list 4 + prepare for vocab test 1 on lists 1-2-3-4
Class 3 - Oct2nd - The American healthcare system (pp26-30)
- quizlet live + 1 presentation- activity: writing a video summary.Homework: quizlet list 3 + prepare your presentations
Class 2 - Sept 25th - How to talk about a research paper (pp 13-24)
- quizlet live
- Brainstorming
- Study of a research paper
- Signing up for presentationsHomework: quizlet list 2
Class 1 Sept 18th Presentation techniques (booklet p.8-12)
- Video 200 countries in 4 minutes
- Intonation & Emphasis
- Rhetorical devices: questions and repetition
Homework: learn quizlet list 1: signposting (in Vocabulary section)