Dear students,
Antoher unusual class today. I am sure you did not expect such a year !
Remember, our next class on November 7 will be devoted to 1. your tellecollabaration (task 2) and/or 2. your eco-project from wherever you want.
- For the telecollaboration, I refer you to the powerpoint to make sure you get it right :-) I attach the criteria to this post -> 4 marks are devoted to originality and creativity
Originality or creativity - Name of radio show, intro and outro, identity of host(s) and guest(s), music transitions, questions from the ‘public’, etc
Submit your work here:
- For the eco-project, I want you to go on with your press review.
You have already collected a few documents about the problems, now I would like you to focus on the solutions. I want press articles, not web pages or videos (news report or short documentaries, between 5 & 8 minutes). I want the following elements.
- title/headline
- main topic (1 sentence)
- source
- author
- date
- link/URL
Video = Indicate how long it is
Press articles = Indicate the number of words
The other thing I want is you to start compiling vocabulary to talk about the environmental issues yo have decided to talk about. I want an organised list of vocabulary (not alphabetical order). You can present it as you want (mindmap, table...). Think of synonyms and antonyms. Make sure you know how to pronounce them (focus on the pronunciation of the letter <I> and <A>. You can either share the work (each student is in charge of a topic) or you are all responsible for the work -> your final decision.
Submit your work here: