Internship offers
Résumé de section
This section contains internship proposals.
Please read carefully all the information provided.
1) The internship topic must be submitted to your mentor, who must validate it.
2) Once the internship topic is validated, a paper internship agreement must be created.Due to the cyber attack the pstage platform is not working to create internship agreements online.
The agreement must be done in paper format and the templates in French and English are also published below.Remember the signature process:
Circuit for signing the internship agreement after educational validation, to be respected:
1 - student,
2 - legal representative and internship tutor of the host organization
3 - reference teacher
4- Dean (you need to send the document to your educational manager (Micaela) for the Dean's signature.
Under no circumstances must you send your agreement to the President of the University for signature.
- In the event that a modification is made to the validated but unsigned agreement, it is not necessary to generate a new agreement: contact the educational manager so that she can unblock the agreement.
- If a modification should be made when the document has been signed by all parties, an amendment must be created.
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