RU 00: Scientific English - Oral/written communication (S1)
Résumé de section
Dear all,
Your English classes begin on Tuesday September 24th (AM + PM: room 346: Ms Owens & room 338: Ms Weyrich).The other classes are scheduled on Mondays, as follows:October 7th: AM room 309 (Ms Owens) & room 311 (Ms Weyrich) / PM room 340 (Ms Owens) & room 337-339 (Ms Weyrich)October 21st: AM room 305 (Ms Owens) & room 319 (Ms Weyrich) / PM room 340 (Ms Owens) & room 337-339 (Ms Weyrich)November 4th AM room 305 (Ms Owens) & room 319 (Ms Weyrich) / PM room 340 (Ms Owens) & room 337-339 (Ms Weyrich)December 2nd: final exam (group 1: 9h-11h/ group 2: 11h-13h). rooms 305 & 338 depending on your subgroup (defined closer to the exam)Classes will be held in the Eiffel Building (CentraleSupelec). Walk out of the Pharma building, take a left, walk past the IUT and the garden and enter the Eiffel building. Walk diagonally all the way to the opposite end and take the elevator to the 3rd floor where the Language Center is.On Tuesday Sept 24th, find room 346 (Ms Owens: oral communication) for students alphabetically named from D. Awad Salman to I. Khan (group 1) and room 338 (Ms Weyrich: poster writing) for those from W. Khangtragool to M. Zelmanovich (group 2). Your teachers will be waiting for you from 10 to 12 am. Then in the afternoon (from 1:30 to 3:30pm), you switch teachers.All the best!Ms Owens and Ms Weyrichanita.owens@universite-paris-saclay.frelodie.weyrich@universite-paris-saclay.frPoster writing Google doc group 1: writing Google doc group 2: