Unit 2 - Sports and student life (S42-43)
Résumé de section
Welcome to your second online class! This class is the first part of UNIT 2.
In this Unit, you will learn some content about studying abroad. For each STEP, we have indicated the approximate time you should spend.
For this Unit, there are 8 STEPS (but STEP 5 is optional, see below).
" on the right side of the screen for each activity, to complete the activity. This allows your teachers to visualize your progression. Moreover, you will not be able to complete certain STEPS unless you reach the minimum score for a test. You may take these tests several times, to practice and complete your STEPS!
Bienvenue sur votre deuxième TD en ligne ! Ce TD est la première partie du UNIT 2.
Dans cet UNIT, vous allez voir du contenu sur les mobilités étudiantes. Pour chaque STEP, nous vous avons indiqué le temps approximatif que vous devriez passer dessus.
Pour ce module, il y a 8 STEPS (mais le STEP 5 est facultatif, voir ci-dessous).
" à droite de l'écran liée à l'étiquette ! Cela nous aide à voir votre progression. De plus, certains STEPS ne pourront pas être validés tant que vous n'avez pas eu un score minimum sur un test. Vous pouvez passer ces tests plusieurs fois afin de vous entrainer et de les valider !
STEP 1 (Listening) : Watch the extract from L'Auberge espagnole to learn more about Erasmus programs. / Regardez un extrait de L'Auberge espagnole pour en apprendre plus sur le programme Erasmus.
STEP 2 (General culture) : Compare the British and American school systems. / Comparez les systèmes scolaires britanniques et américains.
STEP 3 (Reading & Listening) : Sport and higher education: what's it like to be a student athlete? / Le sport dans les études supérieures à travers le monde : à quoi ressemble l'expérience d'un étudiant-athlète ?
STEP 4 (Listening) : Culture shock: how can you adapt abroad? / Le choc culturel: comment s'adapter aux différences culturelles à l'étranger ?
STEP 5 - OPTIONAL/Facultatif (Culture) : Prepare your year abroad... / Préparez-vous pour postuler à l'étranger...
STEP 6 (Memorize!) : Some useful information for STAPS students / Informations spécifiques pour les étudiants STAPS
STEP 7 (Vocabulary) : Memorize the vocabulary that is useful to talk about academic culture and your academics. / Mémorisez le vocabulaire utile pour parler de culture universitaire et de votre propre parcours scolaire.
STEP 8 (Memorize!) : Take the final Wooclap to see what you have memorized! Be careful, you can only take the test ONCE, so make sure that you have done all the activities from each step and that you have your notes with you before you start... / Participez au Wooclap de fin de module, pour voir ce que vous en avez retenu ! Attention, vous ne pouvez passer ce test qu'UNE SEULE FOIS. Soyez sûr d'avoir bien validé toutes les étapes précédentes avant de le passer, et d'avoir vos prises de notes avec vous..
Good luck!
STEP 1 - Introduction
(⏲️ 5 min)
L'Auberge espagnole, by director Cédric Klapisch, is a must-see film about student mobility. A French student, played by Romain Duris, spends a year in Barcelona for his studies. In this video you can see all the difficulties he went through to compile his file for the Erasmus program...
=> Watch the video and try to understand the humor!
STEP 2 - The differences between French / American / British universities
(⏲️ 25 min)
In this step we will compare higher education in 3 different countries.
a) Read this online article and take some notes. (You will have some questions about it in the final wooclap).
b) Read the 2 PDF documents below (voir les PDF ci-dessous) about Higher Education in the UK and in the USA.To take notes, prepare a comparative grid and fill it in. You will have questions on this comparison in the final Wooclapc) Grammar: Read the following recap about comparative structures.1) Superiority
Look at the following examples:
1. Tuition fees are higher in the US than in France.
2. Tuition fees are lower in France than in England.
3. In the US, It is cheaper to attend a university in the state where your parents are resident than another state.
=> HIGH, LOW and CHEAP are short adjectives with 1 syllable.
In the comparative form, you add – er + than.
4. Finding time to have a student job is easier in the US than in France.
=> EASY is an adjective with 2 syllables BUT it ends in –y. You add – ier + than.
5. British universities are more expensive than French universities.
=> EXPENSIVE is a long adjective with 2 or more syllables. You add more + adjective + than.
You can also add less + adjective + than.
6. In the UK, the situation for students in 2018 is worse than it was for students in 1998 when tuition fees were first introduced.
=> WORSE is the adjective BAD in its comparative form.
Like in French, some adjectives are irregular in their comparative form
Comparative Form
Better than
Worse than
Farther/further than
2) EqualityLook at the following examples:1. Studying in the UK is now almost as expensive as studying in the US.
2. I thought I would be homesick and lonely: but in fact studying away from home is not as bad as all that.
3. As soon as I was 18, I wanted to leave home and study in another country.
=> Structure = AS + adjective + AS
3) "alors que", "tandis que" => while, whereas4) Some more complex comparative structures:- Modulating comparisons
Look at the following examples:
1. Tuition fees are MUCH higher in the US than in France.
2. He doesn’t study very hard. He’s FAR more interested in having a good time.
3. My course is a bit boring. I would like to do something A LITTLE more interesting.
4. Deciding which universities and courses to apply for was MUCH more complicated than I initially expected.
5. It’s A LOT easier to learn a foreign language in the country where it is spoken than in a classroom.
=> You can modulate the comparison by using: Much – a lot – far – a bit – a little - slightly
- More and more…
Look at the following examples:
1. It’s becoming harder and harder to find a job – even with a Master’s degree.
2. Your English is improving: it’s getting better and better.
3. These days, more and more young people are spending a year abroad.
We repeat comparatives like this (… and ….) to say that something is changing continuously.
- The more, the more…
1. The younger you are, the easier it is to learn.
2. The more qualified you are, the easier it is to find a job.
3. The further away you live from your parents when at university, the more independent you become.
4. The more you study, the better you will do.
=> We use "the… the…" (with two comparatives) to say that one thing depends on another thing:
Other common expressions:
The bigger the better.
The sooner the better.
The more the merrier.
d) Take the following test to see what you remember:
- Modulating comparisons
STEP 3 - Sports studies in the world and student athletes
(⏲️ 15 min)
a) Here are a few websites that you can browse if you are interested in studying sports sciences abroad.
=> The 2023 Shanghai ranking of sports sciences schools and departments
Which country is the most represented among the top 30 programs? Is this what you expected?
=> A website giving information about many sports sciences programs around the world
b) Watch this video about what it is like to be a student athlete in college:
Pay attention to the words / expressions that mean: un engagement / une moyenne / les notes / se serrer les coudes
c) Watch this video of Richard Sherman, a NFL player (Tampa Bay Buccaneers) who graduated from Stanford University and who would like to raise awareness (to raise awareness = sensibiliser) about the difficulties that student athletes face during their education...
Take notes: what does Sherman say about the way people see student athletes? What is the reality of being a student athlete?
d) Take the following test to see what you remember:
STEP 4 - Adapting to cultural differences
(⏲️ 10 min)
a) Watch this video about culture shock.
If you go live abroad for a few months or maybe a year you will have to adapt to a different style of life. What is "CULTURE SHOCK" and how can you successfully adapt to another country? And how do strangers adapt to France when they come live in our country?
b) Listen to this audio about an American professional basketball player, Trenton Meacham from the ASVEL club in Lyon, talking about leaving his home country to come to France, and the difficulties he faced.
Take notes for the final wooclap (you can also listen to the audio files again while answering the wooclap questions)
c) Listen to this audio about a professional Canadian basketball coach, J.D. Jackson from the ASVEL club in Lyon, talking about leaving his home country to come to France, and all the excitement he felt.
Take notes for the final wooclap (you can also listen to the audio files again while answering the wooclap questions).
STEP 5 (Optional / Facultatif) - Get ready to study abroad!
Si vous êtes intéressé(e) par une mobilité étudiante, nous vous recommandons fortement de jeter un oeil à ce STEP... sinon, vous pouvez juste lire par curiosité, ou passer votre chemin !
a) How to write a CV / cover letter
To get your application for a student mobility ready, you will probably need to provide a CV (UK) or resume (US), as well as a cover letter. Look at the following presentation and read carefully so that you are up to scratch on what to do / not do!
You can also do the exercises on the following worksheet to make sure you have understood (les réponses aux questions du worksheet sont données au fur et à mesure de la présentation ci-dessus).
NB : si vous voulez vous entraîner à rédiger un CV / une lettre de motivation dans le cadre de votre mobilité étudiante, vous pouvez le faire et demander l'avis de votre professeur d'anglais !
b) Some useful vocabulary...
You can also learn the vocabulary in the following document (voir le document PDF ci-dessous) to talk about your experiences and skills in your application.
STEP 6 - Some useful information about student mobility here in Paris-Saclay
(⏲️ 5 min)
Si vous envisagez d'effectuer une mobilité étudiante, le premier site à consulter est évidemment celui de la Faculté des STAPS, sur lequel vous retrouverez toutes les informations concernant les partenariats entre la F2S et l'étranger, ainsi que les étapes pour constituer un dossier. Pour rappel, vos correspondants privilégiés dans cette démarche sont Caroline TEULIER (responsable des Relations Internationales pour la F2S) et Cécile MAUCERI (secrétaire des Relations Internationales).
Si vous avez besoin de passer une certification en anglais pour constituer votre dossier, tous nos conseils concernant les différentes certifications et leurs modalités de passage sont dans la présentation suivante. Vous pouvez aussi contacter Emma Pillard (référente certification pour la F2S) si vous avez des questions à ce sujet.
We hope this helps a little, so that you don't have to struggle as much as Romain Duris in L'Auberge espagnole ! ;)
STEP 7 - Some useful vocabulary
Here is a vocabulary sheet you have to read and memorize! (voir le document PDF ci-dessous)
(⏲️ 20-25 min)
ATTENTION : pour participer au Wooclap, merci de remplir la rubrique "Pseudonyme" en indiquant votre prénom et votre NOM.Take this quiz on Wooclap to see what you have memorized from all the steps of UNIT 1.
BE CAREFUL: You can only take this quiz once, so make sure you are well prepared and don't rush! Follow the link according to your section. ATTENTION : Vous ne pouvez faire le test qu'une seule fois ; préparez vos notes et ne vous précipitez pas pour répondre ! Suivez le lien vers le Wooclap selon votre filière.
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