EUGLOH Registration Form (deadline October 13)
Completion requirements
There is bug on the EUGLOH website:
When registering on the EUGLOH website,
if you can't see "Faculté des sciences" in the list of institutions
listed under Université Paris-Saclay, you need to apply by selecting
“none” in the “Institution Division” and write
the name of the Faculty in the “Department” field, so as not to lose
any information.
Another problem may occur when you try to answer the following question : · Have you previously benefited from an EU funded scholarship?
If you add NO for the following question and you cannot submit the form,
it may tell you that you haven't filled in this field.Should this
happen you will need to go back and add YES.(see below)
Click on EUGLOH Registration Form (deadline October 13) to open the resource.