The lesson was on smallpox and how vaccination was discovered.


a)       What are the symptoms and consequences of smallpox?

·         Boils on the skin, blisters, scars

·         Many people died

·         Survivors were left scarred or sometimes blind

b)      What did Benjamin Jesty notice?

·         Benjamin Jesty realised that people who worked with cows sometimes caught cowpox. However, they did not catch smallpox.

·         Cowpox affecting cows looked like smallpox on human beings.

c)       What was Benjamin Jesty and Edward Jenner’s experiment? What was their conclusion?

·         BJ chose to infect his own family with the cowpox disease so that they became immune to smallpox.  

·         Edward Jenner took a bit of pus from a milkmaid who was infected with cowpox and put into into a cut in the arm of a boy. The boy was exposed to smallpox but never caught it.

d)      What happened concerning smallpox afterwards? What is the situation today?

·         There were mass vaccination campaigns over the world.

·         The disease was eradicated in 1980.

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Remember to learn all the vocabulary from lesson 1 and 2 because we have a vocabulary test next week.

Modifié le: mardi 8 octobre 2024, 11:20