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UE08 - 2A - English - 24-25
Class documents - Semester 1
Lesson 2
2. Smallpox eradication
2. Smallpox eradication
Conditions d’achèvement
Marquer comme terminé
◄ Video transcription - smallpox, history of vaccination
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2Y course booklet
accéder au centre de langues
2Y English groups 24-25 updated 23/9/24
2Y evaluation schedule
2Y start of the year
S2 oral evaluation grid 24-25
2A Listening marking scheme 24-25
Writing evaluation grid 24-25
S1 oral instructions 24-25
S1 oral evaluation grid 24-25
Measles in Minnesota (Video)
Video transcription measles outbreak
TB in California
Video transcription Tuberculosis in California
Dr House v. antivaxxer
1. Smallpox TED
Video transcription - smallpox, history of vaccination
Video transcription - smallpox eradication
Polio vaccination campaign
Video transcription - polio vaccination in Afghanistan
Enrich your vocabulary
6. Graphs (nouns and verbs)
6. Graphs (nouns and verbs)
5. Graphs
5. Graphs
1. Vaccine preventable diseases
1. Vaccine-preventable diseases
2. Smallpox
2. Smallpox
3. Lyme
3. Lyme
4. Vaccination and health
4. Vaccination and health
7. Pollutants
7. Pollutants
8. Climate change and health
8. Climate change and health
Die, dead or death?
Question making exercise (Covid Epidemic Article)
Revising tenses #1
Revising tenses #2
Revising tenses & time markers
Revising dates
Revising numbers 1
Revising numbers 2
Uncountable nouns - exercises
Using articles in English
2Y S1 gpA
S2 presentations gp A
Google doc group B
Zoom link for group C with Ms Jurisic
Semester 2 presentations
Lesson 4-to get or not to get vaccinated-Oct 21
Lesson 3-Lyme
Lesson 2- Smallpox (copie)
Lesson 1- Oct 2
PPT how to ask questions (copie)
Gp E-Presentation list 1st semester
Video transcript
Student's worksheet - Case study - Polio in Afghanistan
Pronunciation - To get vaccinated or not - Quizlet
S2 gp H presentations
2Y S1 grH
Lesson 4- To get or not to get vaccinated- 22 Oct
Lesson 3-Lyme
Lesson 2- Smallpox
Lesson 1-Oct 1
Gp J- Presentation list
PPT how to ask questions
S2 gp L presentations
2Y gp L S1
S2 Presentation list
Presentation List - Gr. M
Video transcript - Polio in Afghanistan
Student's worksheet - Polio in Afghanistan
Pronunciation - To get vaccinated or not - Quizlet
Lesson 4- To get or not to get vaccinated-22 Oct
Lesson 3-Lyme
Lesson 2- Smallpox (copie)
Lesson 1- Vaccine preventable diseases- Polio
PPT how to ask questions (copie)
Gp Q- Presentation list 1st semester
S2 gp R presentations
2Y S1 gp R
Video transcription - smallpox eradication ►
Université Paris-Saclay
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Université européenne EUGLOH
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