Dear all,
The date is set for the last class of Advanced Development Economics. We'll meet on January 14th, at 10h30 in room 304.
Since your grades need to be sent in close thereafter, January 14 is also the deadline for your Policy Briefs. The procedure for the policy briefs is as follows:
1. Think of a topic that you would like to write about and send us an e-mail to confirm it. When you receive an answer, you can start working. At the moment I believe only one of you has a confirmed topic, on 'Artisanal mining and conflict'.
2. Write your policy brief.
3. Prepare a 5-minute presentation of your policy brief (2-3 slides maximum) for the last class, January 14th. The written policy brief and the short oral presentation will both count towards your final grade (the written paper being the most important).
I wish you the very best holidays and am looking forward to seeing you again in January.
Best regards,
Björn Nilsson