Medico-Pharmaceutical Applications of microbial biodiversity
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Topic outline
The goal of this Teaching Unit is to provide students with a broad professional,
technological and scientific culture of current applications and issues in applied
microbiology and biological engineering: some examples of practical applications
of current research in health and food-borne diseases, microbiology and biotech-
nological applications will be discussed, particularly concerning Public Health
Issues and new microbiology biotechnological developments (Monoclonal antibodies
and vaccines, biosafety issues, antimicrobialresistance, emerging microbial diseases) and for
Food, Pharmaceutical and Medical Industries (innovative processes, CRISPR, new outlets
in biotechnology, quality control of complex engineering processes (HACCP, accre-
ditation, etc…). Examples of new Infectious disease fight strategies and current
safety issues in Agri-Food and Pharmaceutical industries will be addressed.
The course will end with an agro-biotechnological plant on-site visit. This year
(2021), European conferences will be wellcomed through the EUGLOH project (LMU
University Munich, Germany and Porto University, Portugal) as a first step towards
"One Health" and "Global Health" new teaching projects.-
R&D Part-2 File PDF
Cours-MAB File PDF