Master 1 AI: History of AI
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Perfilado de sección
Class 1 8/11/2024 Class 2 15/11/2024 Class 3 22/11/2024 Class 4 29/11/2024 Class 5 6/12/24 Class 6 13/12/2024
Presentations: -
Actividades: 0
introduction and planning
Reading:terms and names you should look up if you don't know them yetMilaYoshua BengioYann LeCunGeoffrey HintonTuring AwardOpenAIAGIPlease also add another 10 minutes to watch this TED talk by Sasha Luccioni (a former student of mine!).Actividades: 1 -
- divination, chinese room, turing test Machinamenta: chapters 2 and 3
- eliza Common Sense: chapter 1, 4, and 9
- Leibniz The Master Algorithm: chapter 3
- Turing test and collective intelligence text on definitions of intelligence: Part 1 (chapters 1 and 2 of Geoff Mulgan - Big Mind_ How Collective Intelligence Can Change Our World The myth of AI chapter 5 NLU Machinamenta: chapter 7
Everyone must read: machinamenta chapter 2 Common sense chapter 4 The wired article Actividades: 1 - divination, chinese room, turing test Machinamenta: chapters 2 and 3