Topic outline

  • In this class we discuss "beyond-the-desktop" interfaces, where visualization and interaction take place in the environment of the user, rather than through the traditional screen, mouse and keyboard. In particular, we cover the topic of: (i) mixed reality and augmented reality systems, which visually mix real and virtual objects; and that of (ii) tangible interaction, which moves interaction with online information to the objects around us and to the physical environment. We present a combination of techniques and devices to help augment the environment, such as spatial tracking and 3D visualization, mobile phones, glasses, hand-held projectors, etc. And a number of approaches to interacting with the environment that exploit the characteristics of physical objects or physical space, such as work on tangible objects, augmented paper, ambient displays, on-body interaction, interaction with large surfaces such as walls and tables, ubiquitous computing, etc.

  • session 1 - Intro+Touch

    Intro to the module. Touch interfaces, focus on large interactive surfaces.

  • session 2: Unity introduction and AR with VUFORIA

    This session will be an introduction to Unity proramming, with a BIG emphasis on creating a valuable AR and tangible experience.

    Time to buckle up on Unity !

    1) Please create a personal Unity account (if not done already...) on, and download the Unity 2022.3 LTS version via Unity Hub.

    NO OTHER VERSION will be allowed.

    Make sure you have a reasonable amount of disk space available (say 5Go is minimum)

    2) Create a Vuforia account. Go to:

    and "Register" there.

    You can then download the :

    Vuforia Engine 10.27 (Unity package)

    We'll start from there.

  • session 3: TUIs

    Tangible interfaces: pioneers, applications and challenges

  • session 4: Animé !

    This session is usually fun: it consist of an in-depth analysis of an anime episode, Denno Coil (episode 1), where many different aspects of AR in situation are exhibited. I expect lots of interaction here (tangible or not), so I expect full attendance and a lively audience.

  • session 5: TUI +Fabrication, Ambient display examplees

  • session 6: 3D acquisition for AR

    In this presentation I will make a thorough survey on 3D acquisition techniques dedicated to the creation of 3D content for Augmented Reality, using passive and active technologies.

  • session 7: Project

    You can find here slides describing the project requirements.

    You can find here the link to provide peer-feedback to other presentation (fill 1 form per group). You are giving feedback to the 2 presentations after yours !