Topic outline

    • Course coordinator : Aline Boulahcen -

      Horaire des cours : jeudi     13:30 - 15:30          ou             15:45 - 17:45

      Salle : Service des Langues Bâtiment 336 salle 232

      Dates des cours :   Sept 12 -  19  - 26   _   Oct    3 -31   _  Nov   7 - 14 - 21 - 28  _  Dec   5 (Final test)

      + 4h de travail sur projet.

    • Modalités d’évaluation au contrôle continu

      Oral : 50%

      • 1 présentation orale de projet : 30% 
      • 1 note de participation : 20% (i.e. travail à distance, participation orale en classe, exposés)

       Ecrit : 50%

      • 1 projet « literature review » : 20%
      • 1 test final : 20%
      • Autres travaux écrits : 10%


      Assiduité obligatoire: en cas d’absences injustifiées, vous pourrez être considéré comme défaillant.


      Après une absence: présentez votre justificatif à votre enseignant au cours suivant. Les absences injustifiées à un test ou un exposé sont notées 0/20. Signalez toute situation particulière à votre enseignant (statut salarié, handicap, traitement médical etc…) dès le premier cours, notamment si un aménagement est prévu.

      Modalités de la 2e session: écrit - 1h30       Test de la 2ème session: 30%                        

                                                                           + note de la 1ère session 70%

  • Your project


    As a team of researchers/ engineers, you will present a revolutionary engineering project / innovation that solves a problem with a link to earth sciences (environment, energy, geoengineering, public work, terraforming … ). You will then try to convince a jury to fund your project.

    (Validate your choice of topic with your teacher.)

    STEP 1 – Choose your team, choose your project.

    In a group of 3, propose and discuss different ideas for your project.

    • First, identify a problem (environmental, social, economic…) with a link to earth sciences, that you would like to solve
    • Then think of a technical solution, based on earth sciences.
    • Ask yourselves the questions: is there a demand or a need for our project / innovation ? What is the link between our project and earth sciences? Is our idea feasible today? Which technologies would it require? Etc…

    You will present the problem you want to solve and propose a project / innovation that could help solve this problem. You will explain why your solution is innovative and what aspects of earth sciences it is based on. (maximum 200 words)

    Deadline: .. October 3.....(The mark will be part of the 10% grade – other writings.) ..................................

    STEP 2 – Prepare a survey

    With your group, you will:

    • prepare a survey to see how people react to your idea.
    • Create a poll with at least 10 questions
    • Submit your online poll to the class. 
    • Analyse the result and create graphs and charts from the answers you got.
    • You will use your results, charts and graphs during your oral presentation to explain your process and analyse your findings.

    Deadline: .....October 31 – (the survey itself will be part of the 10% grade – other writings.)

    STEP 3 – Literature review

    • As a group, you will find 6 documents (at least 3 articles, including one peer-reviewed paper) with a link to your idea. Your documents are in English.
    • Each of you will read the articles, watch the videos, analyse the different documents and take notes of all the information that can help you with your project.
    • Send your bibliography (in the Chicago author-date style, or any style you find more relevant to your project : )
    • In class, you will write a synthesis of your findings.

    Deadline: ..November 7.....( synthesis = 20%) .........

    STEP 4 - Get your presentation ready (21 /28 November)

    1. Present the problem you are trying to solve.
    2. Present your project / innovation.
    3. Present your survey and its results.
    4. Explain the purpose of your project, and the benefits it could lead to.
    5. Address the issues / criticism that could be raised (environmental, social, economic…)
    6. Explain how your project evolved thanks to the survey and literature review.
    7. Convince your audience that they should fund your research.

    You will present at least 3 graphs / charts . You will make sure  technical words / specific vocabulary is understandable by your audience. You will use only formal English.

  • What are Earth Sciences?

    • Watch the videos and compare with your own experience:



    • Earth Science : Vocabulary :

      Revise with Flashcards :

      Revise the chapters : Earth Siences - Problem Solving - The Earth.

  • Energy

    • Oral comprehension

      Can you explain why Scotland is leading the UK in renewable energy?

      a. Why is Scotland an interesting region to understand the future of energy?
      b. Why do people in Orkney like the idea of “balancing the books with nature?”
      c. Do you understand the political organisation behind renewables in Scotland?
      d. What other technology is Scotland developing apart from wind power?

  • Get prepared for your oral presentations

    • How To Start A Speech

      Listen to the beginning of these presentations.

      How Green Hydrogen Could End The Fossil Fuel Era | Vaitea Cowan 

      What a planet needs to sustain life | Dave Brain

      What the Fossil Fuel Industry Doesn't Want You To Know | Al Gore

      The secret life of a geologist | Professor Chris Jackson

      If these rocks could talk | Tara Djokic 

  • Graphs and charts

  • Phonology

  • Group A

  • Group B