Topic outline

    • En cliquant sur le document en PDF ci-dessous, nous vous invitons à découvrir la certification sur les enjeux d'une chimie soutenable :

      • les objectifs 
      • le format
      • les intérêts de cette formation de niveau 1
      • le contenu pédagogique 
      Please, find out more about the certification process for sustainable chemistry in the PDF documents below.
  • 1 : Introduction au développement soutenable en chimie - sustainable development in chemistry

    • Pour regarder le premier cours, veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous.

    • Laurent Salmon : "I'd like to introduce you to the micro-certification of sustainable development for the chemical industry over January and February 2024. 

      This certification aims to give you the basics of sustainable development for students in Masters 1 and 2. It's what we call level 1 and will run from 2023-2024, with 10 hours of lectures. I'm taking care of the first module, which is an introductory one, today, Tuesday, January 9, at Henri Moissan. 

      Next week, there will be the first part of the Life Cycle Assessment. This will be carried out by Caroline Cannizzo in Evry next Tuesday. The second part, on the principles and methodology of life cycle assessment, will be presented by Pierre Tardiveau, a physicist. He works in the physics department and is familiar with all these topics. 

      I've invited Sébastien Henri-Daguerre, project manager at Sarp Industries (Veolia Propreté), to talk about chemical waste management and the circular economy. It's the company that manages our chemical waste. I've already seen canisters of solvents from my own laboratory at LIMAY, in the Yvelines, in his company that manages solvents and chemicals. He'll explain a little about what's done at the industrial level. 

      Next, Marie-Christine Shermmann will talk about bio-sourced and renewable chemistry. There's an important regulatory aspect because you can't make sustainable chemistry without knowing the environmental regulations. Thus, you'll see what the ISO 14001 standard is, what the REACh regulations are at the European level, and she'll explain all that, and much more. Finally, you need to be able to assess the environmental performance of a chemical process or synthesis, and this is once again the specialty of Marie-Christine Shermann (ICMMO), who will be presenting this last module at Orsay. 

      There are three modules here at Orsay Henri Moissan, two modules at Evry, and two modules at Versailles, and there's a video recording so you can watch the presentations". 

  • 2 . 1 : Analyse de Cycle de Vie (ACV) – Ecoconception - Lifecycle analysis (LCA/ACV) – Ecodesign

    • Pour regarder le deuxième cours, veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous.

  • 2. 2 : Analyse de Cycle de Vie (ACV) – Principes et Méthodologie

  • 3 : Gestion/recyclage des déchets chimiques et économie circulaire - Chemical waste management and circular economy

    • Pour regarder le cours, veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous.

  • 4 : Chimie renouvelable et bio-sourcée - Renewable and bio-sourced chemistry

    • Pour regarder le cours, veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous.

  • 5 : Réglementation/normes environnementales en chimie - Environmental regulations and chemical standards

  • 6 : Évaluation/certification de la performance environnementale - Environmental performance assessment in chemistry

  • Quiz final - Certification - Bilan

    Les informations sont dans cette section pour obtenir le certificat digital.

  • WIKI