Aim: Provide the students with the basic knowledge, methodologies and the most recent tools for approaching a food formulation problem at research or industrial scale. Content: Principles of formulation engineering, from the methodology to the definition of the statement of work/specifications (cahier des charges). Towards the industrialization goals: from recipe to pilot scale: which challenges, which tricks? Formulation of food flavorings, technological frame and practical work: which solution for which problem? Approaches and examples of nutritional food formulation. Application examples of statistical tools for formulation. The module is based on a balanced distribution of lectures, practicals and teamwork. The lectures will be given by experts on their topics from the research or the industrial field. Part of the course is based on project work, where the students should analyse a case study and propose solutions concerning a formulation issue. The output of the project will be assessed at the end of the module as the main evaluation deliverable together with the active involvement of each student.
- Enseignant: Olga DAVIDENKO
- Enseignant: Zoe De Vulpian
- Enseignant: Lucile DELOINCE
- Enseignant: Delphine Joséphine Francine HUC-MATHIS
- Enseignant: Stéphane Lagorce
- Enseignant: Isabelle LAISSY
- Enseignant: Agnès MARSSET-BAGLIERI
- Enseignant: Barbara REGA
Année: 21/22