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37909 Cours

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UE7c - Hématologie_(MSMED440) UVSQ_2023_MSMED440 Voir le cours
Choisir mon master UEVE2324_MCMM Voir le cours
UEL FUSEX 2eme semestre FUSEX

UEL Fusées Experimentales.

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2023-24-ET3 Polytech TC Economie & Management 2023-24-ET3 Polytech TC Economie & Management
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HSS_0EL21_TP - Intellectual property for digital engineers TPT_UE_22375

The intellectual property principles taught in the course will have relevance in most countries of the world, based on international treaties.

This course provides engineering students with a comprehensive understanding of Intellectual Property (IP) law, equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complex legal landscape that surrounds innovation and technology.

Topics covered include an introduction to IP principles, software IP protection and copyright, patent law, employees' inventions regime, know-how protection, trade secrets regime, and IP contracts in digital engineering. By the end of the course, students will have gained a solid foundation in IP law, enabling them to make informed decisions related to IP issues in their engineering careers. The practical focus on patent drafting, contract negotiation, and protection of employees’ inventions and trade secrets will enable students to navigate real-world scenarios where legal knowledge is essential.

This course is designed to be accessible to engineering students with no prior legal background, ensuring that they can confidently apply the principles learned in their future professional roles.

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FL9RE03-Spécialité SEA M7 - Influence impact posture TPT_UE_19791 Voir le cours
HSS_0EL21_TP - Intellectual property for digital engineers - S2 P3 D1 (S2-P3 - 2024-25) TPT_OCC_25866

The intellectual property principles taught in the course will have relevance in most countries of the world, based on international treaties.

This course provides engineering students with a comprehensive understanding of Intellectual Property (IP) law, equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complex legal landscape that surrounds innovation and technology.

Topics covered include an introduction to IP principles, software IP protection and copyright, patent law, employees' inventions regime, know-how protection, trade secrets regime, and IP contracts in digital engineering. By the end of the course, students will have gained a solid foundation in IP law, enabling them to make informed decisions related to IP issues in their engineering careers. The practical focus on patent drafting, contract negotiation, and protection of employees’ inventions and trade secrets will enable students to navigate real-world scenarios where legal knowledge is essential.

This course is designed to be accessible to engineering students with no prior legal background, ensuring that they can confidently apply the principles learned in their future professional roles.

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FLE Pluriel Hebdo-2023-24-EH 2023-PL2-5 (EH)

Espace E-Campus destiné à un cours FLE Pluriel. Etudiants de Licence, Master, doctorants et post-doc.

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L3 Saclay Hist Cult LAS_(LXHIL3_23) UVSQ_2023_LXHIL3_23 Voir le cours
Intro° mark international_(M1PCAP29) UVSQ_2023_M1PCAP29 Voir le cours
Pratique de négociation_(M1PCAP30) UVSQ_2023_M1PCAP30 Voir le cours
Stratégie d'inf & e reput_(M1PCAP31) UVSQ_2023_M1PCAP31 Voir le cours
Mémoire_(M1PCAP32) UVSQ_2023_M1PCAP32 Voir le cours
Enseignements fonda_(M2PCAP10) UVSQ_2023_M2PCAP10 Voir le cours
Com° d'influence_(M2PCAP11) UVSQ_2023_M2PCAP11 Voir le cours
Stratégie d'accès o média_(M2PCAP12) UVSQ_2023_M2PCAP12 Voir le cours
Stratégie de marque_(M2PCAP21) UVSQ_2023_M2PCAP21 Voir le cours
Travail encadré_(M2PCAP22) UVSQ_2023_M2PCAP22 Voir le cours
Com°& affaires publiques_(M1PCAP10) UVSQ_2023_M1PCAP10 Voir le cours
Conférences : enjeux cont_(M1PCAP11) UVSQ_2023_M1PCAP11 Voir le cours
Institutions politiques_(M1PCAP12) UVSQ_2023_M1PCAP12 Voir le cours
Médias et espaces publics_(M1PCAP13) UVSQ_2023_M1PCAP13 Voir le cours
Méthodes science sociale_(M1PCAP14) UVSQ_2023_M1PCAP14 Voir le cours
Mouvements sociaux & GDI_(M1PCAP15) UVSQ_2023_M1PCAP15 Voir le cours
Sémiologie et analyse_(M1PCAP16) UVSQ_2023_M1PCAP16 Voir le cours
Sociologie des organisat°_(M1PCAP17) UVSQ_2023_M1PCAP17 Voir le cours
Théories de communication_(M1PCAP18) UVSQ_2023_M1PCAP18 Voir le cours
Acteurs & métiers de com_(M1PCAP20) UVSQ_2023_M1PCAP20 Voir le cours
Communication corporate_(M1PCAP21) UVSQ_2023_M1PCAP21 Voir le cours
Com organisat° publiques_(M1PCAP22) UVSQ_2023_M1PCAP22 Voir le cours